Exercise Series Four

Exercises For Energy Work
Last Edited: January 2011


The previous exercises are very important and necessary before attempting to manipulate your subtle energies. You need to become proficient in your practice in order to explore and manipulate the components of your human body-field and to do so smoothly and with understanding. As your practice with these exercises and techniques proceeds and your experience broadens, you will be able to quickly move from state to state at will. In any case, it is important to leave the exercises in an integrated and clean manner. Clean in the sense of having no disrupting or disintegrating energies attached to your beingness which will cause some form of dis-ease. What has been described is the result of many hours of practice. The length of time to naturally fall away in objectivity will be different for each person as well as for each state of awareness. There are signposts along the way which you will learn to recognize. As your practice matures, as mentioned above, you may drop certain practices and speed by the signposts. Eventually you will be able to achieve your state of awareness while fully conscious and involved in your particular daily reality. Then the techniques described here need be done only in particularly stressful situations. Through learned behavior, you become entrained to various energy stimuli and thus consciousness by means of resonance. You are able then to learn to resonate at lower or higher frequencies as harmonics of the fundamental frequencies of pure energies as they relate to the centers (nodes or chakras) that your genetic heritage spins put in the cosmic background. In the state of light to medium trance, you will be aware of the energy flow in and around the body. You will be able to feel, hear and see the serpent fire or Kundalini that was always there. Now you are able to start learning to manipulate it and bring it under conscious control. Because of this, always be aware of the two cardinal rules.

Rule 1 - Always return in exactly the reverse manner of entry!

Rule 2- Always be sure that all is clean and integrated before moving on to the next stage!

Your body is able to act as an antenna which resonates with those of the Earth and the Universe. The frequencies to which this antenna is tuned is in part due to the development of a persons consciousness. There is a natural progression of focus from the longer wavelengths at birth to the shorter wavelengths at death. The Red Center is tuned to the longer wavelengths of matter, the earth and its energies/fields and their fluctuations. The Violet Center is tuned to the shorter wavelengths of light, cosmic rays and their fluctuations. Since energy passes into and out of each Center in both directions, Red to Violet and Violet to Red, the secret is to be able to balance each flow so as to generate the field that is your body, your human body-field. Occult literature uses the symbol of two triangles interlocking: the so called Mogen David of Judaism and the Yantric symbol of Yoga (both the same but for the dot in the center of the Sri Yantra). Learning to develop and to balance all the energies generated within and without you is the first task of being successful in your environment. This is the job of your genetic material, the DNA, in each of the cells of the body. The combined efforts of all your cells makes possible your living. The longer you are able to maintain the balance, the longer yuo are able to live in the fullness of energy, faculty and power. Consequently, all the exercises of this section are given in order to consciously manipulate the control systems which govern the energies and their flow through the body. The previous exercises were given in order for you to discern how you are put together as well as to take yourself apart and then put yourself back together again. You are Humpty-Dumpty only if you do not know yourself. Take your time and do not rush things. Read everything concerning the body and health from as many different cultural perspectives as possible. Look for the correlations which tie all together. Avoid getting bogged down in details, seek the big picture first. Understanding of the details will follow. Search and research, knock and the door will be opened unto you!

1. Energy Breathing

The starting orientation is up to you again. I will start from below in the awareness of the Rainbow Body. Allow your attention to move to your breathing and the in-breath and out-breath. Your breathing should be slow and deep, filling and emptying to capacity without laboring. See/feel the breath come into you from the molten core of the Earth (hot, red, heavy and moving like lava) through the feet up into the heart region on the in-breath. The lava draining away from the heart area through the feet and back into the molten core on the out-breath. As you breath in, allow the lava to cleanse and burn away all dissonance and draining it all away into the molten core on the outbreath. Do this for ten to twelve times through the lower Centers into the Heart Center and back out again. Now reverse the orientation. Visualize the light of the Universe entering through the top of your head on the in-breath through the Centers into the Heart Center. On the out-breath, back through the Centers and out of the top of the head into deep interstellar space. With the in-breath, allow the cold vacuum of space to freeze and sublime away all dissonance and draining it all away into space on the out-breath. Do this for the same number of times as you did for below. Finally, see/feel the energies of all enter you horizontally in a 360 degree circle around you on the in-breath bringing harmony and health to you. On the out-breath, any remaining dissonance dissipating in the green glow of this Center that extends outwards to infinity. Do this for half the number of times as before. Adjust the previous number of times as needed to balance this Heart Center. Eventually you will see/feel yourself as a green sphere with red and violet energies moving through you in a balanced manner with a north-pole/south-pole orientation.

2. Yin-Yang, Ida-Pingala or Left-Hand/Right-Hand Balancing

This exercise may be done walking, standing or sitting as your experience develops. First check to see that your energies are balanced. Then allow yourself to get into the flow of energies through the Heart Center. As you begin to sway from side to side, allow yourself to get into the flow of energies which moves through the Heart Center. As you sway from side to side, allow yourself to tune into and move with this flow. Feel/see the flow oscillate in you and flow with it. See/feel the left-hand energies then the right-hand energies in this flow. Sway across the midline of the body and sense the flow change directions as you do so. Is the flow upwards or downwards? Which one seems more comfortable, if there is a difference? There should be no difference if you are truly balanced in your expression. If you wish, learn to alter the flow according to your intent: reverse the flow, reverse the orientation, etc. Eventually you learn to back away in objectivity and see/feel the energies flowing through the seven Centers similarly as the snakes twined about the Caduceus or Staff of Hermes that is the symbol of the wetern medical profession. Now you may move to any Center and balance the Yin-Yang energies of that Center. Care must be taken to balance the Center in harmonious relationship with the rest. Always balance the whole before moving to a part and again balance the whole again before moving from a part. When all the Centers are balanced, you may see/feel a sudden rush of energy through the Centers as the Shushumna or Pillar of Fire. Lo, the Kundalini has risen! All the Centers will need to be balanced and open, you may need to go to each Center in turn and open each if they are not open already. This is not a casual thing to do. You must be well practiced and prepared. Well practiced in your techniques and well prepared to accept the changes which will occur to you as a result. Many people go through Chakra opening as they grow older and are not able to accept what is happening to them. As a result, they go to the priest for exorcism or to the psychiatrist for therapy. Few are really helpful and most are definitely harmful, in my opinion.

It is of interest to note that the Sushumna is in reality the spinal cord. The Ida and Pingala are the row of spinal ganglia on either side of the spinal cord. At the top and bottom of a row of the spinal ganglia, the Parasympathetic component of the Autonomic Nervous system predominates in influence. The Sympathetic component predominates in the middle section of a row of ganglia. The spinal ganglia are the integrators of the input to and output from the spinal cord to/from the rest of the physical body. At the top of the spinal cord, the Medulla Oblongata and Pons coordinate the normally unconscious workings of the physical body.

3. Balancing the Space/Time Continuum

These techniques will allow you to tune into the Akashic Records. You will be able to be aware of past lives relevant to the person who you are at this time, in this body, in this incarnational round. You will be able to follow the development of your soul through the ages. You will be able to understand the play of human history from the roles you have played within the periods of your incarnations. You will begin to understand why you have an attraction for certain historical figures past and present. You will begin to understand why you are attracted to certain individuals. You also begin to understand the basis for your talents and capabilities and your development of them through time.

Start by balancing left-to-right hand energies in the Green Center. Allow time for objectivization but stay focused in this center. Allow this Center to magnify until it fills the Auric Sphere about you that used to be the white glow. Now go to each Center in turn and balance the back-to-front energies until you are stable in the center of each Center, both left-to-right and front-to-back. When you have balanced each Center, again move to the Heart Center. Visualize now that a point in this Center opens and becomes a circle which gets larger and larger until it fills the space occupied by your bioenergy sphere. This gate will fluctuate at first until you become adept and stable in your practice. When you are able to keep this gate open at will, allow objectivization and with it open, tune into the stream of energy which flows through this Center from behind you to the fore in one direction only. The Center will now seem to be akin to a Post Horn or trumpet with the mouthpiece in the past and the rim of the bell the circle you made above. You are the trumpet and the flow is your time line. Once you become stable in your time line flow, you may begin to explore your past, in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes. Decide what you want to explore and hold that idea steadily. Eventually it will be revealed to you. When you are done, reverse the steps as before. As you become more accomplished, you may speed by the way-stations. Exploring the future is a bit more uncertain, as the role of Karma plays a big part as does the imprints which you place on your timeline due to your wishful thinking. You unconsciously, during normal sleep, plan ahead with diminishing certainty for about two weeks. Your involvement with others in helping to shape the future events will be revealed. The spirit entities as guardian angles or guides will also be revealed to you as they relate to you and the development of your consciousness through time.

4. Projection Of Subtle Energies For Healing Others

Before you work on someone else, it is of paramount importance that you make sure that all of your energies are balanced and flowing smoothly for two main reasons. One, you do not want to project any of your disharmony onto someone else. Two, any disharmony that you have will leave you open to even greater harmonic disruption by absorption from the unbalanced state of the person you are attempting to heal, if it is in any way similar to your weakness.

When you want to project your subtle energy onto/into another, it will be simply to clear the blockages in the other persons energy flows. Nothing else is necessary or needed nor required. All else is meddling in the affairs of the person and is expressly forbidden professionally. Any agreements you make with the person otherwise is strictly between the two of you. The laws of Karma can be instantaneous to lifetimes in its effects. The energy used to project for healing is that of the Yin-Yang orientation. The laying on of hands is the most basic and progresses to mere thought projection at its most sublime. In any case, you must be able to see/feel the problem before you do anything. When the author was the Director of the Aspen Center For Clinical Hypnosis, Aspen, Colorado, I was able to tell, from the first moment that I met my next client, exactly what I needed to do for that person. Also, when I would lead them through their physical body, I would be able to see/feel any problem areas and correct them as I went along. With experience and true desire to heal, you may also develop this skill.

Removing blockages should be gentle and just enough to allow the backup to be dissipated. Get used to working with the left and right hand energy flows, projecting them alternately in order to achieve the correct balance in the other person. When you are done, rinse your hands in cool running water in order to rid yourself of unwanted disharmonious energies. Water is a negative energy sink. This is the true reason that physicians wash their hands. It is not to wash off germs, that is only secondary.

How does one go about projecting their subtle energy? Those whom are sensitive say that energy follows thought. Thus as you think, so shall it be (all else is a matter of time and recognition). As you begin your exercises, be aware of the palms of your hands. This area is where the energies will enter/leave you, unless you use your feet. Get used to mentally throwing the handed energies from one hand to the other. The walking and standing exercises will go a long way in developing your awareness and ability to control the flow. Make a glowing ball appear between the hands and massage it making it smaller and larger. Eventually you will be able to see/feel each of the handed energies. Now you will be able to project. You may need to use both hands or only one, experience will tell and come with practice. The projection may be called energy smoothing or the like. This is the basis of the hand passes and Center harmonizing described by Dr. Mesmer. Dr. Reich found that he could cure anyone of cancer but also needed to treat his patients psychologically as well or symptoms would soon reappear. All disease is genetically based, is psychosomatic, or due to environmental influences. Most cancer and autoimmune diseases are psychosomatic in origin, due to self hate or desire for self destruction. Eliminate the mental/emotional dis-ease and the body will heal itself, it may need help if weak. You can help by giving of your energy from time to time during the healing process. Counseling is a vital part of the healing process for the client/patient.

The process of learning any state of subtle awareness is greatly speeded by the presence of a master. Find a master, one whom has gone before on the path that you want to follow, that will suffer you to be in their presence. Entrainment and resonance to their state of mastery is a privilege afforded by their compassion and grace!

Exercises And Techniques