Edward F. Block IV, Ph.D., Managing Director


Astrobiology is the scientific discipline that studies the response of all living things to the rhythmic and periodic fluctuations of the Geomagnetic Field of the Earth (EGF) and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Matrix (IMF) of the Solar System.


The Block Institute for Astrobiological Studies is a State of Texas, USA Non-Profit Corporation (filing number 800150772) and publicly supported organization as described in sections 503 (c) and 509 (a)(1) and 170 (b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code whose purpose is to further research in Astrobiology and to be a place for learning and education in pursuit of knowledge concerning Astrobiology. Central to the research efforts is gaining a clear understanding of the evolution and expression of the processes involved in the complex interaction of organic life with the rhythmic and periodic fluctuations of the gravitometric/electromagnetic spectrum of energy dissipation from the Earth, Sol and the Universe.

Research at the Block Institute for Astrobiological Studies (BIAS) is focused upon the means that living systems have developed to respond to these fluctuations and the various responses to the fluctuations.

The following set of Statements have been formulated in an attempt to characterize the thought and research efforts of BIAS at this time:

  • Organic Life and Living Systems have developed and evolved within the Terran environment and the backdrop of the dynamically evolving Solar System.
  • The fluctuations in the Earth Gravimetric Field (EGF) and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) are such as to exhibit periodic rhythmicity.
  • Life has evolved upon Earth to respond to these periodic and rhythmic fluctuations in a manner which allows for the co-ordination of individual and community activities.
  • It is the DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) - Chromosomal complex that is responding to the dynamic fluctuations in the EGF and IMF.
  • Existing gene expression as cellular architecture and enzymatic systems are responding to changes in the short period fluctuations while DNA transcription is needed for response to longer period fluctuations.
  • Gene expression is divided into 2 main systems: one for cellular housekeeping, metabolism & organismal coordination while the second is for the RNA control of DNA transcription.
  • Some 60% or more of the genetic material in Humans deals with the nervous system in some manner throughout the life timeline of the individual.
  • A large component of an individuals behavior is genetically determined as a result of expression of sets of alleles coordinating complex behaviors.
  • The process of zygotic union and subsequent rapid development of cellular elements, from fertilized egg to birth, takes place within the fluctuations of the local EGF and IMF that determine the course of genome expression.
  • By inference then, if one knows the state of the local EGF and IMF where an organism dwells, one may make statements as to possible behavioral expressions that is based upon neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.
  • It is the express purpose of research at BIAS to correlate the fluctuations in the EGF and IMF with the development of the human brain, subsequent behavioral expression and to detail the various neurobiological components involved.
  • The possibility of non-Terran colonization has spurred research concerning the role of the various geomagnetic pulsations of the Earth in coordinating rheostasis and neuroendocrine processes in mammalian systems. The search for correlates in the rhythmic pulsations of the Moon and Mars are being investigated with an eye on future colonization efforts.


  • Astronomy - Solar System Mechanics and the Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic/Gravitometric Field Matrix. Research is geared to determining the characteristics and properties of the rhythmic fluctuations in the Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic/Gravitometric Field Matrix as determined by the rhythmic fluctuations in Sol and the planets and the mass relationships that they make one to another.
  • Biophysics - Interaction of Organic Life with the Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic/Gravitometric Field Matrix. Research is geared to determining the characteristics and properties of the rhythmic Geomagnetic fluctuations and the affect these fluctuations have upon Life processes. The Schumann resonances and the Hartmann & Curry Grid (see this reference: resonances are known to coordinate neuro-endocrine activities in the mammalian CNS. Investigations into the interactions of the geomagnetic and electromagnetic flux of the Earth and solar system interplanetary field matrices upon the human body field are particularly pertinent. Correlates to these phenomena are being investigated for the attempted colonization of the Moon and Mars by human beings.
  • Planetary Science - Electromagnetic/Gravitometric Spectrum Analysis. Research is geared to determining the characteristics and properties of the rhythmic Electromagnetic and Gravitometric fluctuations of the Earth, the Moon and Mars.
  • Genetics - Alleles Coding for Human Behavior and the Neuroendocrine System. Research is geared to determining the characteristics and locations of allels on human chromosomes and their transcription for the development of the human nervous system and its functionality through the human time line. The possability of the mammalian Genome to adapt to non-Terran environments for successful future colonization is a primary focus.


  1. Human Genome Project Information
  2. Astrobiology
  3. Solar System Colonization Possibilities
  4. The Planetary Society
  5. Lunarium
  6. The Journal of Informational Medicine


Any person with an interest in becoming a participating member may contact for information. Those persons interested in sponsoring research or conducting research may contact for information.


  1. The Journal of Informational Medicine
  2. The Macrocosm Within
  3. The Astrological Matrix and the Neurobiological Basis of Human Behavior
  4. A Proposed Comprehensive Theoretical Basis of Human Behavioral Expression
  5. The Flow of Life Energies
  6. Rapid, Simple Low-Cost Serotonin Assay With femtoMolar Sensitivity
  7. The Human Body Field

Wikipedia Astrobiology

Current State of Knowledge
in Key Areas of Astrobiology

Astrobiology Program at the
University of Washington,
Graduate Studies in Astrobiology

University of Kansas Astrobiology

University of Southern California
Geobiology & Astrobiology

Astrobiology Magazine

The Solar System

Imagine The Universe!

Russian Space Science Internet

Waikiki Network