What Is Guided Meditation?

Guided Meditation is a means of assisting another person unskilled in the Meditational Art to clear and harmonize the energy relationships within themselves and to organize their psyche to accomplish desired goals.

The Provider guides the Unskilled Person through a series of easy, quick to learn meditational/trance techniques. These techniques assist the Unskilled Person in clearing and harmonizing the energy relationships within their bodies and then to organize their psyche to accomplish a desired goal. The learned techniques and subsequent re-organization of psyche gives the Unskilled Person the confidence, motivation and skills for accomplishing their goal. Achievement of goal is accompanied by appropriate lifestyle changes and personal development brought about by discussion between the Provider and Unskilled Person and use of the meditational/trance techniques by the Unskilled Person.

The Guided Meditation Session is based upon mutual psychic rapport between Provider and Unskilled Person. This rapport is of an intimate and confidential nature, not to be entered into lightly nor abused for personal interest. Providers shall have the highest ethical standards, be grounded in rigorous training and be certified to provide such assistance. This is the roll of the Concord School of Guided Meditation: to offer training and certification to persons wanting to provide assistance to those unskilled in meditational/trance techniques.

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