JULY 2007


This list is just to give you the idea of the most important causes of disease, in the traditional Chinese medicine sense. The "San Jiao" refers to the three (three in pinyin is san) body cavities, the chest, the upper abdomen and the lower abdomen. "Wei" refers to the protective Qi of the surface of the body.


Wind Disorders

  1. Wind/Cold
  2. Wind/Cold & Damp
  3. Wind/Cold restrict Lung
  4. Wind Constipation
  5. Wind Damp
  6. Wind Dizziness
  7. Wind Dryness
  8. Wind Phlegm headache
  9. Wind Heat
  10. Wind/Heat restrict Lung
  11. Wind/Heat restrict Kidney
  12. Wind/Phlegm (stroke)

Heat Disorders

  1. Heat Deficiency
  2. Heat & Dryness
  3. Heat & Excess in upper San Jiao
  4. Heat of the Five Centers
  5. Heat in the Heart
  6. Heat (pathogenic)
  7. Heat restricts Lung
  8. Heat, Summer

Fire Disorders

  1. Empty Fire
  2. Full Fire
  3. Ministerial Fire
  4. Ascending Fire
  5. Lung depressed Fire

Damp Disorders

  1. Damp Heat
  2. Damp Cold
  3. Damp/Heat in the San Jiao
  4. Damp/Heat in Spleen/Stomach
  5. Damp Phlegm

Cold Disorders

  1. External Cold
  2. Cold Phlegm
  3. Cold Damp
  4. Cold Damp injures the Spleen
  5. Cold in the middle San Jiao
  6. Cold Qi

Qi Pathologies

  1. Ascending Qi
  2. Deficiency of Qi
  3. Blockage of Qi
  4. Congealed Qi
  5. Obstructed Qi
  6. Empty Qi
  7. Rebellious Lung Qi
  8. Qi Depressed in the upper San Jiao
  9. Pathogenic Qi
  10. Stagnation Qi
  11. Turbid Qi
  12. Wei Qi depressed
  13. Yi Qi (evil pathogenic qi)

Blood Disorders

  1. Blood deficiency
  2. Cold & empty
  3. Blood Heat
  4. Blood Hot
  5. Blood Stagnation
  6. Blood obstructed by Cold
  7. Blood moves intently

Phlegm Disorders

  1. Phlegm Cold
  2. Phlegm Damp
  3. Phlegm diarrhea
  4. Phlegm ascends
  5. Phlegm Heat
  6. Phlegm Fire
  7. Phlegm, yellow & profuse
  8. Phlegm Turbidity
  9. Phlegm Wind

Oriental Medicine Section