The Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic
Field Matrix and the Biological Clock

E. F. Block IV
Updated 17 March 2007


The objective of this article is to lay the foundation for the concept that the Biological Clock mechanism is in fact not an internal one but actually a follower of the dynamic & rhythmic fluctuations in the Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic Field Matrix (SSIEFM) and the rhythmically pulsating Geomagnetic Field of the Earth (GMF). The rhythms displayed in such biological processes as DNA transcription, trains of enzyme systems and cellular metabolic output are entrained to the backdrop of the natural environmental electromagnetic flux. The Pineal-Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis (PHPA) is the clock coordinator for the organism as a whole. The intracellular regulator of DNA transcription is currently being worked out as the clock coordinator of cellular metabolism. This concept as being proposed is such that the actual origin and nature of the fluctuations being followed need to be worked out.


The source of pacekeepers have been identified and cellular components worked out, with more information being added every month. However, all literature to date refers the the Biological Clock as being an internal zeitgeber. In my estimation, this is an invalid concept. It is my contention that the biological elements involved in regulating biological rhythms are pacekeepers and not the regulators per se. In my opinion, these pacekeepers are synchronizing to components of the dynamic & rhythmic fluctuations in the Solar System Interplanetary Field Matrix (SSIEFM) and Geomagnetic Field (GMF). The questions to be asked are concerning the nature and characteristics of those fluctuations to which biological processes are synchronized. This article lays the foundation for separating the organizmal and cellular pacekeepers and suggesting avenues for possible future research in determining the SSIEFM components being cued.


The origins of the study of the influence of the heavens upon living organisms is shrouded in the mists of antiquity. It is a subject which has occupied the thoughts of man since he inception of agriculture and animal husbandry in Mesopotamia some 10,000 years ago. It is here that both writing and mathematics have their origins. These pursuits were coupled to the rise of the affairs of state and religion. The efforts to gain an understanding of the causes of the cycles of the seasons were important for agriculture and animal husbandry, which was the basis of power.

Pattern recognition is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence. It is also the first step in the process of determining causal relationships. The fact that many diverse cultures which are scattered over the globe have left detailed accounts of their studies of the heavens indicates a search for causal relationships between the cycles of the heavens and the affairs of man. The Chinese, Mayan, Indo-European and Mesopotamian cultures all have left a wealth of information concerning the cycles of the heavens and the behavior of men.

The studies of man has blossomed in modern times and has given us an almost bewildering amount of information. Physics has given us knowledge and information concerning the makeup and workings of our Solar System as well as a theoretical basis for the material universe. Chemistry has given us knowledge and information concerning the behavior of matter and energy flow in matter. Biology has given us the knowledge and information concerning the nature of life and living processes.

Neurobiology is a term which encompasses aspects of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Neuroanatomy tells us which neurons are where and connected to what other neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) and the rest of the body. Neurophysiology tells what each neuron is concerned with and doing. Developmental Biology tells us how the fertilized zygote became the adult human organism. The genome of each individual is ultimately concerned with reproducing progeny and perpetuating itself through time. In the meantime it orchestrates the organization, development and integration of the human organism. This genome has evolved within the backdrop of both the GMF fluctuations of the Earth and the SSIEFM fluctuations of the solar system. Cataclysmic events have punctuated the steady dynamic fluctuations of the SSIEFM and the Earth. These are temporary and the Matrix System settles down into the steady rhythmic fluctuations we come to expect, just as we expect the Sun to rise in the East every morning - just like clockwork. It is these steady, dynamic but rhythmic fluctuations to which the cycles of human physiology and behavior are likely to be tuned. The control systems of our body are set to these subtle but pervasive cyclic fluctuations in the space/time continuum of the SSIEFM, the GMF and the aggregation of matter which comprises our bodies.

Cellular rhythms are those of genome expression through time as changes in DNA transcription that results in changes in the protein composition of the cell through time. This translates into changes in the manner in which each cell organizes itself and relates to its enviornment and other cells through time. These changes in time are those of the instant, the hour, the day, the season and the life of the organism.

I propose a distinction between biological rhythms of the organism & rheostasis (a more correct term than homeostasis) and those of cellulal metabolism. Cellular clocklike processes are of 2 types: those of the cell cycle for replication and those of housekeeping and intercellular activity. It appears that 9 genes are currently known to govern circadium rhythms. Eight of these code for DNA transcription factors or transcriptional regulators (J. S. Takahashi). An autoregulatory loop of proteins period, timeless, clock and cycle, are thought to be the regulators. These genes are found in a variety of organisms and possibly arose in common ancestors more than 500 million years ago.

The control systems of the organism deal with rheostasis, maintaining the proper internal environment for optimum cellular life, and behavioral activity for resource acquisition and reproduction. See the preceeding article for a detailed account. We have touched upon cellular cycles but our interest is in the organismal cycles of life. Three neurosecretory tissues of the CNS are involved in control of the rhythmic cycles of human life. These are the pineal gland, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are involved in the maintenance of rheostasis and overall hormonal status of the body as required by organismal and environmental events. The pineal gland is tuned to the subtle fluctuations of the SSIEFM and the GMF. The products released by pineal cells in response to these fluctuations inturn tune and regulate the affairs of the hypothalamus, the CNS and the Immune System. In this manner, the organism resonates to the music of the spheres! The ability of the pineal gland to respond to the subtle rhythmic fluctuations of the SSIEFM and the GMF is the result of the possibilities afforded by gene evolution and the instantaneous gene expression within the cell of that evolutionary result. However, sources of rhythmic fluctuations have been proposed by a variety of human endeavors called Astrology, Acupuncture and Yoga. As scientists, it is important that we do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. The important thing is to utilize the patterns as recognized for the basis of possible research, symbology notwithstanding.

One such electromagnetic fluctuation is the alternation of day length and night length due to the rotation of the Earth about its axis. This is seasonal for any one place upon the Earth. Researchers have concluded that sunrise can reset the clock but that the clock does not depend on sunrise and sunset to keep time. The circadian pacekeeper in humans is located in the anterior hypothalamus in a group of several thousand neurons called the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). Fibers from retinal interneurons go to the SCN. Fibers from the SCN go to the Pineal Gland. The SCN seems to regulate Melatonin release from the Pineal Gland. The SCN exerts its effects on the Diencephalon and the Pituitary Gland. This nerve cell locus appears to key the rheostatic mechanisms of the body via the Pituitary Gland. There are genetic differences in the synchronization of the biological rhythm but it does not vary by much, 2 hours or so. (H. van Dongen).

The Pineal Gland in known to synchronize mammals to the rhythms of the solar year. Melatonin is released at onset of darkness with more during the winter months (S. Hiebert).

Now let us turn our attention to the possible fluctuations being cued as known by science.

  1. Schumann Waves are produced by the electrical discharges of thunder storms in the ionospheric cavity which encircles the Earth. There are about 300 or so thunder storms ocurring at any given time. This produces a resonance in the lower layer of the ionoshere (D-Region) at about 7.83 Hz with harmonics.
  2. Gravimetric waves on the surface of the Earth pulsate with a characteristic rhythm that is dependent upon the components in the magma and plates floating upon them.
  3. The moon is known to cause tides and magmatic bulges in the Earth of a rhythmic nature as it revolves about the Earth.
  4. The sun has characteristic sunspot activity cycles of about 11 years.
  5. All the planets in their transit of their orbits about the sun cause a characteristic alteration in the SSIEFM due to positional and aspect relationships that are charted and cataloged by Astronomers.

Now let us relate the various cultural dogmas

  1. Astrology relates changes to and angular relationship in planetary position to characteristic energy resonances in humans.
  2. Acupuncture relates the progression of energy patterns in the human bioelectromagnetic field according to a 24 hour period.
  3. Yoga relates various aspects of meditative states to energy relationships on increasingly subtle levels
  4. Homeopathy works on subtle energy levels in the body to affect cure

Finally, let us surmise possible fluctuations to cue

  1. A possible source would be a harmonic analysis of known fluctuations in the SSIEFM and GMF.
  2. Another is obviously the search for other sources of fluctuations of suitable frequency in the SSIEFM and GMF
  3. Helpful would be research into the basic frequencies and harmonics of biological rhythms so as to be able to determine the causal possibilities of discovered frequencies
  4. A look at cultural exposition of energy relationships so as to separate the grain from the chaff


At least two levels of integration of human physiology/behavior with the dynamic flutuations of the Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic Field Matrix are known. The first is the dynamic rhythm of genetic expression at the cellular level. The second is the dynamic rhythm of human hormonal tone/behavior at the organismal level. Control mechanisms of the CNS respond to changes in time via the pineal gland and release neurosecretory products which set the background for rheostasis and hormonal tone. The fluctuations in the SSIEFM and GMF possibly being cued for synchronization are both known (the Sun & Moon, Schumann Waves, Gravimetric Waves of the Earth) and unknown (the planets, asteroids, etc.).


  1. S. Hiebert, 2000, New Light Shed on Seasonal Biological Clock, Journal of Biological Rhythms, April
  2. J. S. Takahashi, 2000, Gene Mutation Upsets Mammalian Biological Clock, Howard Hughes Medical Institute News, April 21
  3. H. van Dongen, 1999, Biological Clocks Advanced By Two Hours Earlier In Morning Types, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, 8 February

Volume Three

Journal Overview