A Proposed Comprehensive Theoretical
Basis For Human Behavioral Expression

Edward F. Block IV, Ph.D.
May 2003


Previous to the beginning of the evolution of organic entities, was the beginning and evolution of the Solar System and its entities the sun, planets, moons, asteroids and comets. The Solar System has evolved to yield what we observe today and continues to evolve according to the "Laws of Physics" as perceived by mankind. Mass and the energies attendant to mass generate fields and energy dissipations, both gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic, which fluctuate rhythmically through time. Earth, the planet with known organic entities, both generates its own fields/energy dissipations and resonates with the fields/energy dissipations produced by the other members of the Solar System.

Organic entities began then in this cacophony of rhythmic fluctuation of gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic fields/energy dissipations. The means that organic entities evolved to order events through time in this cacophony is nucleic acids of RNA/DNA and genes or more properly as sets of genes called alleles. Biological and Cellular Clocks are known to mimic the rhythms of Solar System entities, most notably the Earth, the Sun and the Moon.

As organic entities evolved into more complex forms, animal evolution developed both diffuse chemical (hormonal) and direct chemical (nervous) means of coordination in response to the field/energy dissipation fluctuations of Solar System entities. Thus, in Man, Cellular Clocks and Biological Clocks order the course of events through time by sequentially turning on and off polygenetic sets of alleles. In Man, the nervous component involved with response to the rhythmic fluctuations is the Pineal-Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis (PHPA). The Pineal Gland responds to the fluctuations of the electromagnetic component of off world Solar System entities. The free running Hypothalamus responds to Cellular Clocks and is mediated by the Pineal Gland for daily and seasonal coordination. The gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic fluctuations of the Earth are the basis for all natural and inherent rhythms of the Hypothalamus and most all body cells. These Earthly fluctuations are most obviously modified by the Sun and the Moon but also more subtly by the other Solar System entities; the planets, asteroids and comets.

Greater than 60% of all alleles in humans deals with the nervous system in some manner and coordinates reproduction, growth, development and social interaction. All organismal life begins with zygotic union of sperm and egg. This union takes place upon the surface of the Earth at a specific location, at a specific time and on a specific date. The resulting growth and development unfolds within the backdrop of the rhythmic fluctuations of the gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic fields/energy dissipations of the Earth as modified by other Solar System entities at the location of residence. As the Earth is in essence a giant electromagnet, it possesses a geomagnetic field with various components. The magnetic field flux is toroidal in shape.

The Schumann Resonance(s) are quasi-standing electromagnetic waves that exist in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity (the space between the surface of the Earth and the Ionosphere). They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. At any given moment, there are about 300 electrical storms upon the Earth that inject static discharge energy into the D-Region of the lower ionosphere. The Schumann resonances occur at several frequencies, specifically 7.83 (strongest) and its harmonics: 15.66, 23.49, 31.32, 39.15, 46.98, 54.81 (weakest) Hertz, with a daily variation of about ± 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. The resonant properties of this terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected in 1954. NASA has, since the Mercury Space Flights, artificially generated these frequencies aboard all spacecraft with manned flight. It was determined to be crucial for the psychological and physiological well being of the Astronauts.

The Hartmann and Curry waves form a grid over the entire Earth. The lines of the Hartmann Grid, named after its discoverer Dr. Ernst Hartmann, run north to south as well as east to west, forming a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the lines may be different in your area, depending primarily on the rock beneath the soil where you are living, which will cause some variance. The lines of the Hartmann grid are about 2 meters by 2.5 meters with lines N-S 2 meters apart and lines E-W 2.5 meters apart and both being 21 centimeters in width. The Curry Grid, named after Dr. Manfred Curry, runs diagonal to the Hartmann Grid, from northwest to southeast, southwest to northeast. The distance between Curry lines is about 4 meters apart and being a width of 50 centimeters. The lines of both grids alternate states between (+) and (-). Thus one may have an overall (+), neutral or (-) spot where the lines intersect. The geomagnetic fluxes of these grids rhythmically pulsate within the overall Geomagnetic Field of the Earth. These lines and the interacting degree of (+), neutral and (-) are responsible for geopathic stress.

I propose that the sets of alleles inherited from the parents respond to these rhythmic fluctuations in kind and result in the birth of a new conscious human being at a specific time and on a specific date at the location of residence by the mother of the newborn. The subsequent growth and development of the organism yields an adult with genetically predisposed capabilities, talents and personality features. The sets of behavioral alleles have responded to these rhythmic fluctuations at the site of growth and yielded a new individual. The individual then learns through self-discovery and/or social interaction to utilize and further their predispositions in the process of personality development. It is the particular characteristics of the local grid system in relation to the overall Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic Field Matrix that yields the specific resonance that the DNA/Chromosomal complex responds. This in turn yields the permutations of the genetic alleles that then determines the expression of the possible hereditary characteristics that are possessed by the new individual.

In our modern world, the predisposition for travel and change in residence locality brings into question the idea of static determination of character traits according to locality. It used to be that the vast majority of persons living upon the Earth never traveled more than 20 miles from their birthplace. In less developed countries and emerging industrialized nations, this is still the case. Less and less, peoples are migrating with the herds of their ancestors and settling down. In any case, this tells us that the sets of alleles that control human behavior are capable of stabilizing to yield a definitive personality type while being plastic enough to reorganize the permutations to yield a new personality type as the need arises. It is for us to determine the sets of alleles and their permutations that yield the array of personality types.

Various cultural expressions of thought concerning human behavior gave us Astrology, Biorhythms, Yoga, Religion, Psychology, and aspects of Chinese and Western Medicine. The commonality between them all is the human genome: neuroanatomy & neurophysiology as its direct expression. The result is the development and integration of the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological that yields the possible human personality types. Thus all human expression is the result of the combination of neuroanatomical position & interconnectivity and the neurophysiology of the nervous elements in question. It is the ability of the integrated nervous system as spinal cord, basal ganglia, limbic system, thalamus, cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres to assimilate sensory information and learn what that information "means" and then yield the appropriate action in response. Most responses are built in. Man has greater ability for plastic behavior that any other species. Thus, most sets of alleles for behavior are already predetermined as to response to input. These sets are what the various cultural expressions are typing and describing in the different terms of the humans whom are doing the categorizing based upon their cultural and societal upbringing which is based in turn upon the wisdom of their progenitors through the ages. Science means to use a standard set of descriptive terms agreed upon by any cultural group. Science needs to understand that the words of description by cultural expressions span many millennia of effort. All cultural forms of knowledge need to be updated to reflect the current state of affairs in science. Not to do so is to go the way of the dinosaurs and disappear from the Earth!


The proto-science of Astrology needs to be brought up to date in light of recent scientific findings. Indeed, this needs to be done with all aspects of human cultural expression as stated previously. The problem with most of those who do analysis is that they endeavor to fit nature to their manner of thought. Math is an exact science, while life is not! A true scientist is one who discerns the pattern from nature, and nature is fuzzy in expression rather than exact. This is the reason for the origin of the bell curve in describing life processes. This is also the reason for the 95% probability set point for establishing statistical probability in dealing with results derived from the scientific method. Thus, those who would use the rules set down for Astrological analysis as a means of defending or deriding Astrology are incorrect in their assertions. The rules were derived from observation, trial and error and reflection upon the behavior of organic entities through some 12,000 years. What was being described is a system of explaining the diversity and commonality of human behavior to yield the general "types" of individual behaviors and their permutations.

Astrology may be summarized as a matrix of several components. The first is a set of Quadraplicities that represent three different modes of creativity and reaction. They are: 1. Cardinal-which symbolizes initial creation, the impetus to create and the making of beginnings. 2. Fixed-which symbolizes the creation of stability. 3. Mutable-which symbolizes the alteration, transformation and adaptation of what has already been created.

The modes of reaction are 1. Cardinal-which is counter-action, the making of a second initiative to counter the first. 2. Fixed-which is resistance or the effort to endure in the face of external initiative. 3. Mutable-which does not actively resist what is happening. Rather, it tries to alter it directly by bending the course of events onto a desired path.

The next set of components are the Triplicities which symbolize the modalities of existence, in factors that pertain to the characteristics of the behavior of a thing and in the different modes in which people are able to experience the essence of a thing. This is subjective rather than objective reality and experiential as opposed to factual reality.

The first Triplicity is that of Fire. Fire is the energy of Spirit. Fire operates by energizing and transforming. It is active and dominant, not willing to allow circumstances to take the initiative. It signifies will. Fiery entities manifest the qualities of process, change and evolution. Fire is an emotional element tending to the more active and dynamic emotions. Fire is outgoing, with connotation of strength in a masculine way. It is demanding in self as in others and it provides motivation to act.

The second is Earth. Earth is the direct experience of the physical universe. It symbolizes the quality of being substantial and material. It is both matter and the need to deal with matter. It limits freedom due to the nature of matter and the materiality of the world around us. Earth is also a support of and source of nurture. It is stable and passive, it needs to be acted upon and formed by an external energy. Earth needs to resist change and signifies structures that break down under pressure because they lack the flexibility that allows adaptation. Earth provides substance and therefore it is effective for actualization. Finally, Earth perceives reality very well but negates the emotions.

The third Triplicity is Air. Air is positive and relates everything encountered with all else. Air is connected with transport, of mostly ideas but also objects. Air is fond of abstraction but it is closer to physical reality than is Fire. Air is associated with thinking and logic, social and external concepts of truth. It is very social, but unable to handle real intimacy well. Air has the need to develop a sensitivity to the internal, emotional aspects of other people to match its comprehension of the external. The intellect is detached and objective as well as facile and quick: excellent for observing, planning and organizing. Air is excellent for original, creative thinking that is related to highly abstract and technical fields. Its combination of abstractness and practicality is an essential quality of the element of Air.

Lastly, is Water. Water is a style to grasp all as a whole. Water is a non-rational element that is not easily expressed, a subtle feeling-toned understanding. It is best at feeling relationships and the way everything interacts with every other thing. Communication is best through artistic expression such as art, music and poetry. Related to Water are very vivid personal experiences that tend to overwhelm external experiences. Water is the need to live in a clean psychic environment. Water understands the feelings and emotions of others better than any other type and is capable of great emotional depth and compassion for others. Air is creative imagination that requires some Earth for actualization. Water has the ability to see a possible existence where there was no existence before. Water brings new insights into the nature of human existence and the ability to understand ourselves better.

The last component of the matrix is the set of polarities that are much akin to yin (-) and yang (+). The Matrix that gives expression as the Astrological Signs is thus a combination of the Polarities, Quadraplicities and Triplicities as delineated in the following table:



However, I prefer to view the Astrological Matrix in the context of the seven Sets of Behavioral Alleles as follows:


Fixed SignsMutable SignsCardinal Signs
[Violet-Fire (+)]

[Indigo-Earth (-)]

[Sky Blue-Air (+)]

[New Leaf Green-Water (-)]

[Bright Yellow-Air (+)]

[Orange-Earth (-)]

[Red-Fire (+)]

The reason for my preference stems from the adage, "As above, so below", or the fact that the light frequency/harmonic Nodes/Centers/Chakras or Sets of Behavioral Alleles for human life are reflexive about the Green Node with the Violet/Red Node being the most yang (+) and the Orange/Indigo Node the most yin (-). Maybe this is why the colors Black and Orange are associated with female Witches and All Hallows Eve or Halloween. Thus we have two poles of a dynamic field within which all else is derived and yields the Astrological Matrix. Each Astrological Sign has then an expression that is a combination of the elements of Polarities, Quadraplicities and Triplicities. This yields a unique set of predictable behaviors.

How does one explain this pattern in reference to modern neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, as well as modern genetics? This leads us to the next Chapter.


Dr. C. Robert Cloninger proposed a systematic method for the clinical description and classification of personality variants in June of 1987 (1). He determined that there were 3 genetically independent dimensions of personality that he called novelty seeking, harm avoidance and reward dependence. 1. Novelty Seeking (behavioral activation) is modulated by the neurotransmitter (NT) dopamine (DA). It has the relevant stimuli as novelty, potential reward and the potential relief of monotony or punishment. The behavioral responses are exploratory pursuit, appetitive approach and active avoidance or escape. 2. Harm Avoidance (behavioral inhibition) is modulated by Serotonin (5-HT). It has the relevant stimuli as conditioned signals for punishment, novelty or frustrative nonreward. The behavioral responses are passive avoidance and extinction of stimulus. 3. Reward Dependence (behavioral maintenance) is modulated by norepinephrine (NE). It has relevant stimuli as conditioned signals for reward or relief from punishment. The behavioral response is resistance to extinction of stimulus.

These 3 systems together integrate the over all activity of the CNS through time. The discipline of biorhythms describes this integration through time (2). The Physical (P), Emotional (E) and Intellectual (I) Cycles of Biorhythms correlate to the above 3 systems. The P-cycle is the DA system, the E-cycle is the 5-HT system and the I-cycle is the NE system. Thus we have a good picture of the basis of human behavior as the expression of the 3 major CNS neuromodulators interacting cyclically through time as the sum total of the integration of the 3 at any one point in time. As the physical expression of the cellular components of the body are genetically determined, then their integration is also genetically determined. The cycles of each are such that they amplify and dampen each other according to the summation of each individual neuromodulator into an overall behavioral expression at any point in time. This is seen as a complex wave made up of the additions and subtractions of each individual wave according to the individual cycle; P(DA) cycles in 23 days, E(5-HT) cycles in 28 days and I(NE) cycles in 33 days. Each (+) half and (-) half of the individual waves reflecting a cyclic surge and ebb of activity in each of the neuromodulator nerve cell loci. This is reflected in the cyclic changes in the relationships of the Solar System Interplanetary Magnetic field caused by the relative positions of the sun and planets as they move about each other.

The cerebral cortex is divided into 2 hemispheres, left and right, each with particular characteristics(3). The left hemisphere is the seat of conscious behavior while the right hemisphere is the seat of intuition, for most individuals. The left hemisphere specializes in verbal and numerical information processed in a linear and ordered manner. It is the active, verbal, logical, rational and analytic part of the brain, capable of cataloguing and analyzing information. The right hemisphere is the intuitive, creative, primarily nonverbal part of our brain. It deals with 3D forms and images. It sees the whole and is able to understand complex configurations and structures. Integrating these 2 hemispheres is the Corpus Callossum as the interconnecting axonal extensions of left and right hemisphere interneurons. It transmits information, memory and learning between the 2 hemispheres. The hemispheres are further divided into forebrain and hindbrain bundles. The left hindbrain is technically oriented and specializes in thinking/analysis. The left forebrain is pragmatic and specializes in controlling and implementing. The right forebrain is innovative and specializes in thinking/synthesis. The right hindbrain is idealistic and specializes in feeling and interpersonal relationships.

Now to the correlations between Neurobiology and the Astrological Matrix (AM).

The Polarities of the AM correspond to the brain hemispheres thusly: (+) = Left Hemisphere and (-) = Right Hemisphere.

Astrology names the (+) Polarity as Masculine & Extroverted and the (-) Polarity as Feminine & Introverted. Neuroscience ascribes the conscious beingness to the Left Hemisphere and the intuitive aspects of the psyche to the Right Hemisphere. This goes with the (+) Polarity as light, open and projecting (masculine attributes) dealing with the physical world as a conscious entity being the Left Hemisphere. The dark, introspective and mysterious/intuitive Right Hemisphere, as the (-) Polarity dealing with relationships and creative expression born of seemingly spontaneous expression (feminine attributes), is the arena of the unconscious.

The Quadraplicities correspond to the 3 major neuromodulators of the CNS: Cardinal = DA,
Fixed = NE and Mutable = 5-HT.

Cardinal signs are always starting up or stirring up events. This is exactly what the DA neuromodulator does in the CNS. All physical activity is keyed by this set of nerve cell loci and their tracts originating in the CNS. Fixed Signs seem to be bent upon keeping things the way they were. They do not like changes. This is what the neuromodulator NE does in the CNS; it maintains behaviors and responses to environmental cues in rigid expressive manners. It does not allow for the continuous updating of appropriate behavioral expression. Mutable Signs seem to be blown willy-nilly by the winds in any direction. But deep down inside, they steer the course of events in the manner to which they want by manipulation of the Cardinal and Fixed Signs. This is what the 5-HT neuromodulator does in the CNS; it mediates between the other two neuromodulator systems and is tied directly to the forebrain that determines the course of immediate events.

The Triplicities correspond to the 4 brain hemisphere bundles: LF = Fire, RF = Earth,
LH = Air and RH = Water.

The Cerebral Hemispheres are further subdivided into Forebrain (FB) and Hindbrain (HB) portions. The thinking and problem solving attributes of left HB (LHB) dominant people are characterized as being logical, analytical, rational, objective and critical. These are people whom are talented in technical or quantitative endeavors. These people use practical judgment and have an empirical, incisive view of problems and situations. They are very good at dealing with concrete situations and seek quantitative precision. These are also the attributes of Air Signs. Air is positive and relates everything encountered with all else. Air is connected with transport, of mostly ideas but also objects. Air is fond of abstraction but it is closer to physical reality than is Fire. Air is associated with thinking and logic, social and external concepts of truth. It is very social, but unable to handle real intimacy well. Air has the need to develop a sensitivity to the internal, emotional aspects of other people to match its comprehension of the external. The intellect is detached and objective as well as facile and quick; excellent for observing, planning and organizing. Air is excellent for original, creative thinking that is related to highly abstract and technical fields. Its combination of abstractness and practicality is an essential quality of the element of Air. Thus the LHB and Air Sign characteristics are complementary.

On the other hand, left FB (LFB) individuals are characterized as practical, pragmatic, decisive, realistic, organized and detail oriented. These people seek solutions that meet current needs, are good at tactics and pursue the shortest route to payoff. They are good at setting up agendas and like to develop schedules and plans. They usually accept conventional values and provide stability and structure to their organizations. These are also the attributes of Fire Signs. Fire is the energy of Spirit. Fire operates by energizing and transforming. It is active and dominant, not willing to allow circumstances to take the initiative. It signifies will. Fiery entities manifest the qualities of process, change and evolution. Fire is an emotional element tending to the more active and dynamic emotions. Fire is outgoing, with connotation of strength in a masculine way. It is demanding in self as in others and it provides motivation to act. Thus the LFB and Fire Sign charateristics are complementary.

The thinking and problem solving attributes of RFB individuals are characterized as imaginative, innovative, intuitive, artistic and visually oriented. These people do well in tasks calling for synthesizing and conceptualizing abilities. They also have an integrative and more comprehensive view of situations and problems. They are able to consider and weigh a broad range of viewpoints and think strategically. They are good at gathering, assembling, comparing and reshuffling ideas that enable them to come up with unique and dynamic concepts. They prefer to work independently, pursue their own way rather than ready-made solutions and often take risks and break rules that impede progress. These are also the attributes of Earth Signs. Earth is the direct experience of the physical universe. It symbolizes the quality of being substantial and material. It is both matter and the need to deal with matter. It limits freedom due to the nature of matter and the materiality of the world around us. Earth is also a support of and source of nurture. It is stable and passive, it needs to be acted upon and formed by an external energy. Earth needs to resist change and signifies structures, which break down under, pressure because they lack the flexibility that allows adaptation. Earth provides substance and therefore it is effective for actualization. Finally, Earth perceives reality very well but negates the emotions. Thus the RFB and Earth Sign characteristics are complementary.

RHB individuals are participative, supportive, empathic, interpersonal, affiliative, idealistic and emotional. Many have highly developed aesthetic sensitivity and tend to be artistic and spiritual. They are good at creating an idealistic, integrative image of reality. They tend to thrive on an internal sense of motivation and purpose. They like to challenge traditional assumptions and prefer to think speculatively. These are also the attributes of Water Signs. Water is a style to grasp all as a whole. Water is a non-rational element that is not easily expressed, a subtle feeling-toned understanding. It is best at feeling relationships and the way everything interacts with every other thing. Communication is best through artistic expression such as art, music and poetry. Related to Water are very vivid personal experiences that tend to overwhelm external experiences. Water is the need to live in a clean psychic environment. Water understands the feelings and emotions of others better than any other type and is capable of great emotional depth and compassion for others. Air is creative imagination that requires some Earth for actualization. Water has the ability to see a possible existence where there was no existence before. Water brings new insights into the nature of human existence and the ability to understand ourselves better. Thus the RHB and Water Sign characteristics are complementary.

Thus, the Astrological Matrix (AM) codes for the integration of the CNS in the human condition and therefore also is a representation of the basis of human behavior. As the AM is coding for the neurobiology of an individual, it must also be coding for the polygenetic sets of alleles that determine the behavioral characteristics. This means that Astrology is attempting to ascribe physical, emotional, intellectual and behavioral characteristics to persons on the basis of the parameters of the Solar System at the time of birth of an individual. Heuristic Astrology is attempting to ascribe temporary influences due to planetary aspect. Indeed, Astrology is attempting to describe the response of a person's genetic heritage to the fluctuations in the GMF and IMF as made manifest in any particular individual. This is a daunting task and has a clear and sound basis in neurobiology. The task of future work is to research and identify the polygenetic sets of alleles responsible and the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological correlates to the AM.


1a. C. Robert Cloninger, "A Systematic Method for Clinical Description and Classification of Personality Variants", 1987, Arch Gen Psychiatry, vol. 44, pp 573-588.
1b. Cloninger, CR, Svrakic, DM, Przybek, TR, "A Psychobiological Model of Temperment & Character", 1993, Arch Gen Psychiatry, vol. 50(12), pp 974-990.
1c. Cloninger,CR, Adolfsson,R, Svrakic, NM, "Mapping Genes for Human Personality", 1996, Nature Genet, vol. 12, pp 3-4.

2. A. Sollberger, "Cycle Cloning", 1986, J Interdisipl Cycle Res, vol 17, pp 225-228.

3. E. Raudsepp, "How Do You Think? Left...Or Right?" 1992, Machine Design, August 20, pp 85-89.

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