Mission Statement of the Concord School

The mission of the Concord School is to provide to the student both an excellent academic background to the subject and accomplished practical experience with the techniques of Guided Meditation and Bioscalar Healing. The express purpose of Guided Meditation is to provide psyche harmonization and purposeful organization of the psyche for goal accomplishment. The express purpose of Bioscalar Healing is to provide aura cleansing, energy balancing, body awareness and cognitive harmonization of the elements coordinating the organ systems of the body. Thus, a thorough knowledge of the human body, its physiology & metabolism and psychic requirements is of paramount importance to a certified provider. Extensive practice with the Guided Meditational Techniques and /or Bioscalar Healing serves to ground certified providers in working with aligning, balancing and harmonizing their own beingness before attempting to work with another person. Finally, the interaction with clients in the Concord School Community Outreach Facility enables Interns to gain valuable practical experience under the supervision of the Concord School faculty.

The Concord School compells the highest standards of personal conduct and ethical behavior in its Faculty, Staff and Students. The rights, privacy and ultimate wellbeing of the client is regarded as paramount and the ultimate wellbeing of the client is the express purpose for which the Concord School exists. To this end, the essential components of the Hippocratic Oath are upheld and emmulated.

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