Concepts Of Healing: Parasites

While some pathogenic microorganisms may be considered as parasites (protozoa), we normally think of as parasites those organisms that are multicellular rather than unicellular like pathogenic microorganisms. Parasites live on both external and internal surfaces of the body and inside the body in the EM of various tissues of the body. The external surface is the skin; home of mites, fleas, lice, ticks and leeches which consume the blood of their hosts. The internal surfaces are: the lining of the lungs, the mucus membranes of the eyes and naso-pharanyx, the mucosal lining of the digestive and reproductive tracts. The parasites that inhabit these internal surfaces are flatworms, mites, leeches and fly larvae. Fly larvae colonize the digestive tracts of herbivores, plant eating animals. Leeches are opportunistic inhabitants of the easily accessible mucus membranes. Mites colonize the lungs and digestive tracts of animals, usually carnivores and omnivores. Flatworms are inhabitants of the lungs, G.I. tract, reproductive tract and EM of various tissues. External surface parasites are relatively easy to rid the body of while internal surface parasites are a little more difficult. Inhabitants of the lungs pose the more difficult problems of creating scar tissue that is not able to support respiratory processes and debris removal of dead parasites. Inhabitants of the G.I. tract pose the problem of killing them without poisoning the host but can be done. Few parasites inhabit the reproductive/urinary tracts of animals. Many parasites inhabit the EM of various tissues. These pose the problem of killing them without poisoning the host and debris removal

Parasites enter the body by being injected into the EM or blood vessels or by chewing and crawling their way in. The mites, fleas, lice, ticks, sandflies, Triatomid bugs and female mosquitoes that bite the skin for a blood meal are the vectors for the transmission of many pathogenic microorganisms and larval flatworms into the body. Malaria, Filariasis, Chaga's Disease, Kala-Azar, Onchoceriasis, Typhus, Lyme's Disease and Trypanosomiasis to name a few. Mites burrow into the skin and eat EM and lay lots of eggs. Hookworm, Schistosomiasis worms and Dracunculus worms burrow into the skin, go to the blood stream and circulate to favorite spots in the body and develop into adults. Roundworms, tapeworms, liver flukes and lung worms are ingested in contaminated meat or on contaminated vegetation, digested out of their cysts in the stomach, burrow into the blood stream and travel to their favorite spots to develop into adults. All the adults eventually mate and females produce copious amounts of eggs that need to get out of the body. Eggs leave in the feces, in the urine and by being eaten by a predator. All this is quite nasty stuff as you may well imagine.

Parasites that have evolved with their hosts for many, many ages are more benign than those that have become newly acclimatized to their new hosts. Old parasites have evolved the means to fool the body into not recognizing them as foreign to the body and thus not eliciting an immune response to rid them from the body. The newer parasites still elicit a large immune response and the result can be quite severe. The eosinophils of your immune system cellular complement are the leukocytes that help to kill parasites in the body. If the lab work done on your blood sample shows a high eosinophils count, this indicates a parasitological infestation somewhere in the body. Parasites also may release substances from their bodies that will elicit an allergic response by various tissue cells and immune cells in the area. This causes swelling and itching locally and rashes in the skin.

The only means to rid the body of its parasite burden is surgery, botanicals, modern drugs and boosting the immune system. The only way to be and remain parasite free is not to let them enter your body in the first place and depending on where you live and the circumstances of your living conditions this is sometimes difficult to accomplish. Thoroughly cook your food, this is why man began to cook their food in the first place. Only man cooks their food. The other reason to cook food is to begin the plant material decomposition so as to render it more easily digestible. Do not eat foods from gardens where human excrement is used for fertilizer as parasite eggs and cysts attach to the vegetables and are consumed. Use household bleach of a 3% chlorine content to soak your vegetables for at least 45 minutes if it is necessary to eat foods from such gardens. In any case, always scrub the surfaces with a stiff brush since rarely are eggs and cysts found elsewhere besides surface cracks and splits.

Man has been dealing with ways to rid the body of parasites since time immemorial. Hence, botanicals were the first means and certain salts the second means of dealing with parasites. Thoroughly cooking meat to kill parasites came next. Now we have modern pharmaceuticals to help us. In any case, these compounds are poisons of some type and will make us ill but kill the parasite at the same time. As the parasites are very small and we are much larger, we survive but the parasite does not. Then the immune system cells clean up the debris. Leukocytes (white blood cells) and tissue macrophages are the scavengers of the body. These cells clean up debris and remove toxins stored in the EM. A healthy immune system is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the body on all levels.

It is mind-boggling when you think that with everything it does, NO is merely one atom of oxygen and one atom of nitrogen though this molecule has a number of reactive forms that account for the diversity of its biological effects on the body. This molecule is actually a by-product of an enzymatic reaction when nitric oxide synthases (NOS) converts the amino acid L-arginine to L-citrulline and nitric oxide. Scientists have isolated three forms of this NOS enzyme: one in the endothelium, one in the brain and one in the immune system. Interestingly, the brain contained more of the nitric oxide synthase enzyme than any other organ and the distribution is uniform throughout equating to a possible involvement in every function of the brain. More recently, molecular biologists have homed in on the different genes that encode for the endothelial, neuronal and immune system nitric oxide synthase enzymes: the genes are on chromosomes 12, 7 and 17 respectively.

Concerning nitric oxide's effect on the brain, animal studies suggest that an effector cell in the brain releases glutamate that then stimulates the receptor cell to release nitric oxide. If it is strongly stimulated, the receptor sends back a nitric oxide molecule to tell the sender that the message has been received, and programs it to send an even stronger signal next time leading to memory formation. Too much nitric oxide though may be responsible for killing brain cells during strokes. In other parts of the body, nitric oxide's cytotoxic properties help macrophages kill and remove parasites, bacteria, and other antigens during an activated immune response. A recent study by Eddy Liew showed that NO can actually destroy organisms that are otherwise indestructible such as in its work against the parasite that causes Leishmaniasis, a group of fatal tropical diseases. Mice made incapable of producing nitric oxide displayed a reduced inflammatory response when exposed to antigens.

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