The usual concepts of homeostasis (actually the term rheostasis is more correct) are focused upon the mechanisms of circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, mineral/water balance and bioenergetics. The nervous system and the hormone system are described as regulating, via feedback control, the various tissues in response to changes in the internal milieu of the body. Rheostasis is described as a function of the individual in response to its environment and role in the ecosystem. A great deal is said about physiology (cellular, tissue and organ), some about seasonal variation (adaptations to climate changes and reproduction) and some about the nervous/hormonal control systems. However, nothing is said about the underlying source for the generation of rheostasis in the body. It is my thesis that the source of the generation of homeostasis is the dynamic relationship between the result of evolutionary existent DNA expression according to changes in time of the energetic relationships of all the matter which comprises the physical body matrix and the response of the physical body matrix as an evolved system by/to fluctuations in the Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic Field Matrix (SSIEFM). Thus disruptions in physiology as disease is the result of disruptions in the physical body electromagnetic field matrix within the overall SSIEFM. Which means that altered physiology is the symptom and not the cause of disease.

A Physicist is one whom studies the fundamental properties of matter and energy. A Chemist is one whom studies the behavior of matter as energy dissipates through it. A Biologist is one whom studies matter organized to maintain energy flow through it. These are oversimplifications but nevertheless true. Living systems are aggregations of matter organized to maintain energy flow through the aggregation with a guided purpose. That purpose is to perpetuate and refine the ability to optimally maintain energy flow through the matter aggregation.

Living systems have evolved the means of maintaining energy flow through their particular aggregation within and as part of the dynamically fluctuating electromagnetic universe. Living systems as aggregations of matter have dynamically fluctuating electromagnetic fields that reflect the organization of the matter aggregation within the local space/time continuum. The means which has evolved to perpetuate the particular material aggregations and control systems of living organisms is what Biologists refer to as Genetics. Gene expression is what enables the organism the maintain energy flow. The genetic system of any organism has evolved to perpetuate the organism as a species and to maintain the organism within the environment it inhabits. Gene expression then is the ultimate origin of homeostasis in all living systems.

Organic evolution through the ages has produced an amazing diversity of living organisms. Our interest is in the human primate with all its organ systems working in harmony. The scalar organization of the human body is as follows: quarks, nucleons and leptons, atoms and energy on the physical level; molecules, atomic bonds, moving electrons & protons, photons and energy dissipation on the chemical level; cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, the organism, populations, the ecosystem and energy concentration & flow through the organic systems at the biological level. Living systems have evolved with the ability to function within and deal with the particular requirements of the environment in which they are found in order to acquire, utilize and direct energy flow through the existent organism. The control systems for human homeostatic maintenance are likewise scalar. The physical and chemical scales are those of matter and the fundamental properties of matter. The biological scale with the human animal starts with the cell, the fundamental unit of life. All life comes from preexisting life. However, each cell has in the nucleus its genetic complement that is the result of organic evolution through many generations within the backdrop of the astronomical and geological evolution of the Earth. The human genetic code controls the development of the fertilized zygote to adult organism. This development takes place within this backdrop of the GMF and SSIEFM which influences the developing bioelectromagnetic fields of the embryo as well as the growth of cells into tissues, tissues into organs and organs into the organism as a whole.

Apart from cellular control by genetic expression, the means that the human animal genetic system has developed for overall integration of the organism are the nervous and hormonal systems. These two systems control by negative feedback the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory and integumentary systems of the body that are utilized to maintaining the internal environment of the body at optimum for all the cells living within the organism. All rheostatic processes are set to this end - maintaining the optimum internal environment for cellular life within the body!

The hypothalamus is the neurosecretory organ of the brain that determines the set points for the range of internal environmental values for blood glucose, tissue oxygen and carbon dioxide, body temperature, blood volume, blood pressure, blood calcium, blood sodium, blood pH, etc. As the human animal is terrestrial, the kidney has long loops of Henle for urine concentration and sodium retention. The hypothalamus is involved with the coordination of osmoregulation via the pituitary gland for anti-diuretic hormone and nervous stimulation of the adrenal medulla for mineralcorticoids, as an example. It accomplishes this via the autonomic nervous system. The other hormonal glands and the liver also contribute to homeostasis. The point is this: all physiology is geared to maintaining homeostasis. All normal behavior is geared to assisting in homeostasis in some manner for the organism and more importantly in reproduction for the species.

What tunes the hypothalamus to changes in the dynamic fluctuations of the GMF and SSIEFM? One hormonal gland is known to be sensitive to changes in seasonal cycles, the pineal gland. The suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is sensitive to fluctuations in diurnal rhythms. The Pineal-Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis (PHPA) determines both the nervous and hormonal coordination of physiological and behavioral events in time for the entire body. It is thought that cellular events are cued by fluctuations in the GMF and SSIEFM via rhythmic changes in gene expression. It is thought that the organism as an integrated entity is cued by the PHPA.

What then of the overall bioelectromagnetic field of the human body, sometimes termed as the aura. That it exists is not in doubt. How it exists and can be characterized is now an intense area of research. Electroacupuncture seems to be the most efficient means of obtaining reliable data for research efforts. Electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV) is now the standard by which all research efforts are promulgated. The theories of Chinese Medicine, in relation to the energy flows of the body (acupuncture), and Homeopathy are being substantiated and reformulated in light of new findings. It is possible to detect derangements in the energetic flows of the body using various techniques of EAV.

What is known to cause a disruption in the bioelectromagnetic fields of humans can be categorized as follows: aberrant fluctuations in the GMF caused by underground water flows, mineral veins and magmatic intrusions; deleterious mutations in the genetic code which affects the organization in the aggregation of organic matter into a body and the resultant produced non-resonant bioelectromagnetic field component; alternating electric current (AC) and all the machinery which utilizes AC for power; pathogenic microorganisms; parasites; malnutrition; physical trauma.

It is much like trying to determine which came first - the chicken or the egg. However, it has been found that there is always a change in energy relationships before a physiological change can be recognized in the tissue or cell. The nature of that change varies. With an EAV device, it is possible to first detect aberrations and then neutralize them completely within a few seconds. Physiological changes follow within a few minutes to hours in regaining rheostasis. Many of the above cited causes for disruption are chronic stressors. Alleviation of symptoms can be accomplished simply by removing the stressor or the person from the vicinity of the stressor. The EAV device is a tool to determine the nature of the chronic stressor as well as a therapeutic means to bring the body back to rheostasis. Obviously, the body that is not able to live and function in our increasingly stressful environment will succumb to some chronic ailment according to the inherent weaknesses of their genetic code or the result of incorrect living. Chronic means a habituated dysfunction that leaves the body systems as a whole functioning at less than optimal efficiency.

Deleterious genes, point mutations perpetuated in somatic cells (body cells) and various chromosomal aberrations are passed down from generation to generation that allow for a normal life since every person has two sets of each gene in an allelic pair. There are many metabolic and behavioral aberrations that do not cause a problem until the body is put under chronic stress and eventually succumbs to the effects of the constant interference with the homeostatic systems of the body. Each person will show the effects of a different syndrome according to the inherent weaknesses in the genetic complement afforded them.

Energy flow in the human primate animal is able to be detected, categorized and manipulated on many levels. Those energy flows that are an expression of the basic rheostatic systems of the coordinated organsystems of the body are ultimately the result of gene expression. Gene expression is responsible for the organization in space of the aggregation of matter which comprises the organic body. This aggregation of matter has an overall bioelectromagnetic field that is in resonance with the GMF of the Earth and also with that of the SSIEFM. All of these fields are in dynamic equilibrium with the smaller in resonance with the larger. Disruptions in the capacity for maintaining resonant energy flow through the matter aggregation of the human body are responsible for the eventual expression of disease in humans. The body has the means to heal itself if it is not overstressed in some manner, this is the essential role of rheostasis. This is the basis for regeneration in all living systems. Healing processes occur when homeostatic systems are in themselves no longer able to maintain optimum health. Healing processes are those of the rheostatic systems especially tailored to address specific energetic dissonances and trauma. This is the role of the neuroendocrine and immune systems in emergent situations caused by the agents cited above.

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